
Metatarsalgia is the name given to the pain felt in the foot surface of the splayed bones. Patients usually experience a feeling of pain under the comb bones of after standing and walking for a long time.

In addition, patients feel as if there is a marble under their feet and they are walking on it. In later periods, patients can no longer wear certain shoes and can only manage with soft shoes.



Among the causes of metatarsalgia, low arch of the foot, high arch of the foot, joint problems involving the metatarsal bones, various nerve compression problems and joint imbalances or instability at the level of the joint made by the metatarsal bones with the toes play a role.


In metatarsalgia, efforts are made primarily to eliminate complaints with personalized insoles and shoe modifications. In some patients, the pain can be eliminated with various injections applied. If there is no benefit from these treatments, there are various surgical treatments for oriented the factor in patients.

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Morton's Neuroma


In patients with Morton’s neuroma problem, sensations such as numbness, pain, electric shock felt especially in the third and fourth fingers are in the foreground.


It is a very important typical finding in patients with Morton’s neuroma that the complaints that typically develop after wearing shoes disappear within a few seconds of removing the shoes.

In addition, triggering complaints, especially by wearing leather shoes, is considered a very important finding in patients with morton’s neuroma. It is known that in patients with Morton’s neuroma, foot deformities such as wearing high heels, wearing tight shoes, toe deformity in the patient’s foot, flat feet, high arches can be found in the infrastructure.


In the treatment of morton neurama, personalized insoles and injection treatments are tried first. Surgical treatment is planned for patients who do not benefit from these treatments. There are two options for surgical treatment.

  • In the first option, a procedure called nerve relaxation is performed, which we call neurolysis.
  • In the second option, we offer treatment to the patients by performing a procedure we call the removal of the nerve.

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